
Wholesale Clients Licensee Forum - 23 May 2024

David Court
Paul Derham
Managing Partner
Kath Bowler
General Manager

What's covered

  • Status update on Wholesale/Retail Client eligibility tests
  • Change to custody calculations
  • Cyber updates
  • Compliance Trends Survey Results and more

Thu 23 May 2024

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM (AEST)

Free Event

Price: $0

GST: $0.00


Join us online for our first ever Wholesale Only Forum of the year. This forum will be full of industry recent regulatory, cyber and trends updates.

Who can attend?

This forum is tailored for Wholeale client only AFSLs.

When will the session commence?

The online session for the forum will commence at 1:00pm and will go for one hour.

Is it free?

Yes! The forum is free to attend online on the day.

All recordings of our Industry Forums are then available on the HN Hub for paid subscribers.