AFSL Responsible Manager Refresher Training for AFSLs with Wholesale-Only Clients (RG 105) – Online Workshop – June 2024
What's covered
- Explaining the role of “Responsible Manager” in the current regulatory context
- Identifying where liability arises in light of your various roles
- Considering likely reforms to the “wholesale client” classifications, and how they may impact your business
- Working in a way that complies with the General Obligations, including the “efficiently, honestly, fairly” obligation
- Explaining some of the other key regulatory obligations in relation to the provision of financial services
- Identifying and explaining incidents and how they are assessed for being reportable situations
- Discussing how to act in a way that minimises regulatory risk in light of ASIC’s enforcement priorities – including priorities relating to cyber resilience.
Wed 12 Jun 2024
2:00 PM - 5:00 PM (AEST)
Price: $750
GST: $75.00
One of the key requirements for an AFS licensee is to demonstrate the organisation's competence, as set out in ASIC RG 105 AFS licensing: Organisational competence. Licensees can demonstrate this by maintaining and updating the knowledge and skills of their Responsible Managers.
This half-day Responsible Manager refresher workshop has been designed to provide Responsible Managers and compliance staff of licensees with wholesale only clients with an overview of the role of the Responsible Manager, how they fit within the broader regulatory framework, and help in meeting your obligation of maintaining organisational competence.
Who should attend?
- Responsible Managers of AFS licencees that deal with wholesale clients only
- Compliance managers, compliance staff and support staff
- People nominated as Responsible Managers (but who, as part of a licence application, are required by ASIC to undertake a training course like this one before ASIC will allow them to be Responsible Managers)
What people have said about our Responsible Manager course
- "Current and real" (Julie Rynski - National Australia Bank)
- "The presenters made boring content engaging" (Shae Russell - Port Phillip Publishing)
- "Very good examples and interactive. Reinforced understanding of the 3 key RM responsibilities and detailed understanding on s912A" (Joe Kassel - AMP Capital)
- "I now understand the purpose and role of the RM. Thank you" (David Deverall - Hunter Hall)
- "Flowed well. Presented by hands-on experts, not trainers. Role-play very effective in highlighting issues to think about." (Mark Oliver - Macquarie Equities)
- "Compliance made enjoyable." (Oliver Imre - IG Markets)