
Advice, Design and Distribution Training for Private Credit Funds (non-bank lenders)

Paul Derham
Managing Partner
Michael Mavromatis

What's covered

  • Help the licensee comply with its design and distribution obligations, including ensuring that products are only distributed within the relevant target market, and applying learnings from the FirstMac Limited Case.
  • explain key regulatory obligations in relation to the provision of financial services;
  • confidently provide no advice, and know when communications cross into general or personal advice;
  • understand a Licensee’s general obligations;
  • properly categorise clients as wholesale clients;
  • make proper records of meetings with potential investors or investors;
  • identify obligations that apply when issuing promotional or marketing material;
  • identify an “incident” within the broader breach reporting framework;
  • Improve compliance arrangements in light of learnings from ASIC’s civil procedings against Lanterne Fund Services Pty Ltd.

Thu 03 Apr 2025

9:30 AM - 12:30 PM (AEDT)


Price: $750

GST: $75.00


Our half-day workshop has been designed to provide participants with an overview of design and distribution obligations as the primary topic, but also covering licensing, financial product advice, marketing, wholesale clients, and breach reporting.

Who should attend?

This course is designed for Australian Financial Services Licensees and their Authorised Representatives who offer non-bank lending services. Participants should include

  • Providers of General Advice and No Advice who deal with retail clients
  • Compliance managers, compliance staff and support staff who need to understand the different types of advice
  • Sales staff, Head of Sales staff and Marketing
  • Client-facing staff in "retention teams" or other teams which involve influencing clients in connection with financial products.