Adequate Resources

Adequate Resources - ACL

Version 2.1 - Last updated: 20 March 2024

This bundle is to assist credit licensees manage their human capital, financial requirements, and IT resources and related processes; and demonstrate they have sufficient resources to conduct and monitor their operations.  It is designed to align with the requirements of sections 47 and 48 of the National Consumer Credit Protection Act 2009, and ASIC’s RG 205 (Credit licensing: General conduct obligations), RG 207 (Credit licensing: Financial requirements) and RG 210 (Compensation and insurance arrangements for credit licensees).

Included documents

Document Version Type Date
Financial Resources, Financial Records and Compensation Policy - ACL 2.0 Policy 20 March 2024
Human Resources Policy - ACL 2.0 Policy 20 March 2024
IT Resources Policy - ACL 2.0 Policy 17 Nov. 2023
PI Insurance Checklist Template - ACL 2.0 Tool 20 March 2024
Human Resources Organisational Chart Template - ACL 2.0 Tool 20 March 2024